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New Nokton 25mm tests

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David Babsky (at posted a new Voigtländer Nokton 25mm f/0.95 review: “It’s useful for “pulling focus” (manually adjusting the focus) when shooting VIDEO on an m4/3 camera, and for shooting m4/3 video in (almost) darkness and up very close.“..”It MAY be just what you need, but it depends on what you like to shoot. Soft, contextualised portraits? Great! Harsh nitty gritty? No. Close-up sharp details? Yes, but only at f2.8 or smaller. The world in sharp focus? ..No: no point in paying extra for that 0.95 aperture.

Cameraquest has a new status update:
I’ve shipped over half of February’s 25/.95 to customers. The remaining .95’s are delayed by customs. I hope to start shipping the remaining .95’s by Saturday February 26th or Monday February 28th. The shipment is indeed SOLD OUT. The NEXT PRODUCTION RUN will be in April.

43rumors reader H.Hackbarth posted a full size sample on Flickr taken with the GH2 + Nokton.

There is a comparison between the Leica 25mmf1.4 vs. Voigtlander 25mmf0.95 at

The only place where you can find the the Nokotn is on [shoplink 15659 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. But in most cases you have to pay more than the original price!

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