New Panasonic GH2 tests
over 2000mm@airport -Panasonic GH2 EX Tele-Con mode Trial
There are so many Panasonic GH2 news in these days that I can’t keep up with all new reviews and tests :)
The german website 3Dkraft posted a “3D comparison between Lumix 3D mFT lens on GH2 and Fujifilm Real 3D W3“. It looks like the Fujifilm 3D camera is currently a better choice than the GH2+3D lens combo. wrote an article about the GH2 and the “Funky Frame Rates For Creative Effect“.
A few interesting user tests can be seen inside the dpreview forum:
– G1 vs GH2 vs FF Dynamic Range
– GH2 new low light ISO test, jpg.
– Autofocus speed GH2
– GH2 vs GF1 High ISO and Shutter speed
Oh for US readers: Amazon changed the GH2 availability from “1-3 months” to “1-2 months“. I know that’s only a negligible improvement but I am trying to give you a moral support :)