Shot with kitlens at f8, 1/160 shutter, iso 100, manual in creative movie mode at 5300K. For MJPEG, the settings of Pappas (see thread MJPEG 70Mbits+ 1080p settings) were used, for AVCHD the “safe” settings indicated at the end were used (from jobless, see thread AVCHD high bitrate tests, mud free footage).
I tried to keep the pans at the same pace, but thats difficult. What is incredible, the MJPEG clearly shows a better resolution (I used just the 1440x1080p settings as my card is only class6), plus the AVCHD shows no mud and increased resolution (before, on low contrast scenes islands of unsharp areas could be seen), as can be clearly seen in the comparison (e.g. look at the shadow area right to the gardenhouse).