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New underwater housing for the Panasonic LX5


If you own the Panasonic LX5 you might be interested to take a look at the new Nauticam underwater housing. It has a depth rating of 75 meters and will sell for $950. You can read the full specs here: It’s a lot more expensive than the [shoplink 21531]Ikelite housing (Click here ot see that item on eBay)[/shoplink] which costs $545 only. I am not an expert and I don’t know if the price difference is justified because of better specs.

Olympus XZ-1 user do have an even cheaper alternative: The Olympus PT-050 which is available for around $300 (300 Euro) at [shopcountry 21532].
Olympus E-PL1 user can get the Olympus PT-EP01 at [shopcountry 21533].
and the E-PL2 user can get the Olympus PT-EP03 at [shopcountry 21535].

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