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Olympus and Sony conference in Tokyo: Sony will supply sensors while Olympus will share lens and mirrorless tehcnology.

So it’s done guys! Olympus and Sony will now officially work together on the mirrorless front. Today Sony-Olympus held a press conference in Tokyo and you can read more about it on (translation here). In short:
– It is Sony’s interest to keep the MFT system well alive
– Sony will supply sensors to Olympus
– Olympus will share their lens and mirrorless knowledge and technology to Sony
– Future mirrorless camera parts may be co developed by Sony and Olympus (example EVF and OLED screen).

For now this sounds like a good deal. It also opens a new kind of possibilities for Olympus. For example they could make lenses for the NEX system or even uses Sony’s FF sensors for a new PRO system. But all that is just speculation for now!

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