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Olympus E-M5 news and tests roundup…(ships in US on April 10th, in Japan on March 30th)

For those of you that are waiting for the E-M5: BHphoto (Click here) says the E-M5 will be available on April 10th. And Amazon Japan (Click here) reports that the camera will ship on March 30th. Don’t know yet how many E-M5 cameras will be produced per month and how many preorders Olympus got. So you may will not get the camera on those days. At least on Amazon the E-M5 preorder hype looks like to be over and the E-PL1 is the king of the mirrorless ranking again :)  -> Click here to see the ranking. Also the Panasonic GF2 is selling well and probably super interesting after the recent hack release!

But there are (again) many new E-m5 news and previews today:
Olympus OM-D E-M5 Preview at Photographyblog (Click here). And image samples (again at Photographyblog) and at Tomshardware (italian). Extreme ART filter image sample on Flickr (Click here). The swedish magazine Fotosidan (Click here) posted a camera preview. A hands-on at AP (Click here), Techradar (Click here) and a spanish hands-on on youtube (Click here). Test shots and video-illustrations (stabilization, AF, live bulb) at Onfoto Russia (Click here and Click here). A video shot with the E-M5 on vimeo (Click here). The english E-M5 manual (Click here to download the pdf).

E-M5 preorder search (Click on names): [shopcountry 29074].





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