Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm f/1.8 reviewed at Photozone.
Image courtesy: Photozone
Photozone tested the 25mm f/1.8 Olympus lens and writes:
The Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm f/1.8 is undoubtedly a high quality lens with a tiny form factor. The resolution characteristic is very even across the relevant aperture range. The center quality is mostly excellent followed by a good to very good outer image region. Lateral CAs are low which contributes to the high quality perception. Image distortions are negligible – also in RAW mode. On the downside, there’s some light falloff in the corners at large aperture settings. The bokeh is generally smooth although the rendition of out-of-focus highlights could be better.
The lens earned a very good score althaugh it didn’t manage to get “highly Recommended”.