Panasonic GX1 and 100-300mm firmware updates (+review and in Stock status)

[shoplink 26836][/shoplink]

Panasonic announced a new firmware updated for the new [shoplink 26836]GX1[/shoplink] camera and the 100-300mm zoom lens. You should soon be able to download the firmware at For some mysterious reasons the download is still not available but the new features are already here:

-Enhancement in the performance of AWB
-Enhancement in the performance of [AFF] (AF Flexible) and [AFC] (AF Continuous)
-Improved stability when used with the SD Memory Card complying with UHS-I
-Addition of [STEP ZOOM] and [ZOOM SPEED] in the setting of [Fn] (Function) button and [Q.MENU] -Reflection of [DRIVE MODE] settings to [CUSTOM SETTING] -[MENU RESUME] in each menu tab
-Page flip in the menu tab with [DISP.] (Display) button

LUMIX G VARIO 100-300mm / F4.0-5.6 / MEGA O.I.S. (H-FS100300)
-Improved performance of O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilizer)

Jordan Steele (Click here) posted a new GX1 review: “for still imaging, this is easily Panasonic’s best compact style CSC to date, and rivals the flagship of the Lumix line, the GH2, in everything but video. Outstanding.

For USA readers: The Silver GX1 body only is in Stock at Amazon (Click here) while the black body will be in Stock within 3-5 weeks again at Amazon (Click here). More Panasonic GX1 search links: [shopcountry 26836].


Funny: You can already get that Olympus OM shirt for the CP+ show!


Our reader KTF just sent us that CP+ invitation image he recived via email (Click here to see the full invitation). It says that a new Olympus OM t-short will be distributed at the event. What is really interesting is that “PEN OM IZM XA TRIP” you read on the T-shirt. These are all indications of former Olympus-camera’s.

Olympus PEN -> you all know what they mean with it :)
Olympus OM -> That the new system based on [shoplink 28222 ebay]OM film cameras[/shoplink].
Olympus IZM ->  ‘AZ SuperZoom’ also known as IZM meaning ‘Infinityzoom’ ([shoplink 28348 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink])
Olympus XA -> Also 35mm film cameras ([shoplink 28355 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink])
Olympus TRIP -> Also filmcameras ([shoplink 28349 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink])
Olympus µ -> The compact cameras.
Olympus Camedia -> More compact cameras. ([shoplink 28357 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink])
Olympus E-system -> The Four Thirds line.


(FT4) More specs (FT1) Fake First picture :)


The photo on top has been found on On the picture you can see the [shoplink 23683 ebay]17mm pancake lens[/shoplink] but such a photo is almost deifnitely fake :) A wonder what that subtitle means: “The new seven-point twin….”

I am almost sure the new specs from Digicaminfo are correct:

1. It looks like old OM but not any OM reforms.
2.Two dial button left and right beside central penta part,and another dial button side at release button.there have other one small button in left of release button.
3.Grip curve looks like [shoplink 23568]Olympus E-P3[/shoplink],but this one continues to the bottom of camera,paste with leather.Leather has also paste at both side of lens mount.
4.two kinds of leather style. black ones is more artificial, and silver ones is more natural.
5.packed with an GN10 flash.
6.Five-axis image stabilizer in body.
7.FAST AF and 3D tracking
8.Minimum sensitivity is ISO200 and maximum sensitivity is ISO25600 with tweak.
9.610.000dots organic EL,vari-angle monitor
10.use MPO as file save type.

It’s a translation from the original japanese text made by one of our readers (Thanks!). What do you think about the specs and picture?


(FT4) First bits of OM-D specs…


Digital-Camera-Info posted first spec bits about the OM-D. That’s what he found out:

1) It has an OM look
2) Built-in 1.44 dots integrated viewfinder
3) New in body stabilization and AF system
4) Comes in Black and Silver
5) Weather sealed magnesium body
6) 16 megapixel sensor
7) Width 121mm, weighs 425g
8) Worldwide shipment in late March

In Summary: The EVF has the same resolution of the current external VF-2 viewfinder (Click here to see on Amazon). We know that it looks like an old OM but there were so many different OM bodies that it really doesn’t help us a lot! Here is again the list of all OM filmcamera. My favorite design is the [shoplink 28222 ebay]OM-1[/shoplink].

[shoplink 28221 ebay]M-1[/shoplink] [shoplink 28222 ebay]OM-1[/shoplink] [shoplink 28223 ebay]OM-1 MD[/shoplink] [shoplink 28224 ebay]OM-1N[/shoplink] [shoplink 28225 ebay]OM-2[/shoplink] [shoplink 28226 ebay]OM-2N[/shoplink] [shoplink 28227 ebay]OM-2S/SP[/shoplink] [shoplink 28228 ebay]OM-3[/shoplink] [shoplink 28229 ebay]OM-3Ti[/shoplink] [shoplink 28230 ebay]OM-4[/shoplink] [shoplink 28231 ebay]OM-4T/Ti black and chrome[/shoplink] [shoplink 28232 ebay]OM-10[/shoplink] [shoplink 28233 ebay]OM-20 (OM-G)[/shoplink] [shoplink 28234 ebay]OM-30(OM-F)[/shoplink] [shoplink 28235 ebay]OM-40 (OM-PC)[/shoplink] [shoplink 28236 ebay]OM-77AF (OM-707)[/shoplink] [shoplink 28237 ebay]OM-88 (OM-101)[/shoplink] [shoplink 28238 ebay]OM-2000[/shoplink]

Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct


(FT5) Sensor has “High Dynamic Range” and ISO up to 25.800. (The OM-D Logo graphic registered in Germany


The graphic in top has been registered by Olympus at the german patent institution (Click here).

I know you are all waiting to here more about the upcoming new sensor inside the OM-D camera. I just got something for you: I have been told by top sources that the sensor has 16 megapixel and actually has been designed for a “High Dynamic Range“. I don’t know yet is how you get this dynamic range increase. Is there a software trick or is the sensor really a newly designed Olympus sensor rather than the same GX1 sensor? The ISO goes up to 25.800 which on paper beats every current Micro Four Thirds camera!

I take the chance to ask my sources if they can tell me more about HOW this dynamic range performance has been archived and if that is really a completely new sensor. Thanks!

P.S.: The new weather sealed 12-50mm lens which will be the new kit lens of the OM-D is in Stock at Fotomundus (Germany) , Pcstore (Taiwan) and soon at Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon UK and Amazon Japan.


(FT4) Olympus OM-D priced at $1.100 or 1.000 Euro in Europe


We just got the price info from Asian sources. The upcoming Olympus OM-D should be priced at around $1.100 in USA or 1.000 Euro in Europe. I think that’s an OK price for a high quality weather sealed body with integrated viewfinder and new sensor (I have been told the sensor is Olympus “tweaked” and designed). That’s around $600 (or 500 Euro) less than the just announced price of the Fuji X PRO 1 (more about that on Fujirumors). And the Fuji isn’t weather sealed :)

And here is a new question to you:

Weathersealed, high quality body, integrated EVF and new sensor. Is the price ok for you?

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P.S.: I am getting tons of rumors and I am trying to get some time off from my real job to work with my sources. You should expect new rumors to be posted soon on 43rumors! Stay tuned!
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(FT5) A 16 megapixel m43 sensor for the new digital OM camera!

[shoplink 28231 ebay][/shoplink] Image on top: the [shoplink 28231 ebay]OM-4t (here on eBay)[/shoplink], the first camera with a built-in spot meter.

A couple of years ago Olympus said that 12 Megapixels were enough and there was no need to increase the Megapixel number on the Micro Four Thirds sensor. I tend to agree with them but I would have been happy to see some sort of new “version” of the current über-used 12 MPX sensor. Now according to two trusted sources and a new source (Thanks!) Olympus choose a 16 megapixel sensor for their upcoming new digital OM-D camera. I have been told that the sensor has been “tweaked” by Olympus to get a a super EVF performance. The new electronic viewfinder is really the most advanced new technology of the camera. The sources didn’t tell me if the 16 Megapixel sensor is basically the same as the one used for the [shoplink 22077]G3[/shoplink] and [shoplink 26836]GX1[/shoplink] but I guess the answer is yes.

Message to sources: I always try to double check rumors before to post them. As you can imagine I get many false rumors and I don’t want to make a mess. A particular thanks goes to the new source that send me the name and the specs of the camera. I am double checking it and will post them soon on 43rumors! I have some question to all of you:
1) Will Olympus announce “something else” along the camera? Like lenses and adapters…
2) Can you tell me more about the new EVF?


P.S.: Hope to get some GH3 specs soon too ;)
