(FT5) First Panasonic GH2 picture


Finally we have the first image of the Panasonic GH2! The deisgn is closer to the current [shoplink 14834]Panasonic G2[/shoplink] than the older [shoplink 14826]Panasonic GH1[/shoplink].

The GH2 has following specs:
– 18 Megapixels multiscale sensor (16 effective Megapixels)
– 100-12.800 ISO (But I dont know how it takes the 12.800 ISO pictures)
– 1080i60 24Mbit/s AVCHD video recording
– The GH2 has one LSI with three cores (instead of current two cores of the GH1)
– Improved AF speed (0.099 second with the [shoplink 14802]14-140mm[/shoplink] kit-lens)
– High-speed burst shooting of 5 fps with 16 MP
– Super high-speed burst shooting of 40 fps (lower resolution)
– Touch screen LCD
– announced 21 September at photokina
(FT3)Two new sources just told us the camera has real 1080p60 output “masked” as 1080i60. This because AVCHD specification does not include 1080p60. You have to set it to 60p (manually) in Final Cut (or other editing software). This rumor has to be confirmed by our sources so take it with a grain of salt!

Follow 43rumors until the September 21 announcement! We will update this website with all last minute rumors, leaks and camera reviews! Be sure to not miss any news. Join on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe our RSS feed. Thanks!

Reminder -> Rumors classification explained (FT= FourThirds):
FT1=1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2=21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3=41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4=61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5=81-99% chance the rumor is correct

If specs are correct (1080p60 included) and real image quality ok will you buy the GH2?

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UPDATED: New Olympus E-5 image samples


Tommaso (http://www.iwasthere.it) collected some E-5 images samples made by OLDDO and gave us a zip file you can download here: http://www.easy-share.com/1912283583/1912283583

UPDATE: More unpublished photos are available here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0OWDDEIT (Thanks Ision)

IMPORTANT: All those images were taken with a pre-production camera.

More full size samples are available here:

ISO 1600: http://exakta.net/images/stories/Pruebas/E-5-De-up/Oly_E5_GO_001AAA.jpg
ISO 3200: http://exakta.net/images/stories/Pruebas/E-5-De-up/Oly_E5_GO_004AAA.jpg
ISO 6400: http://exakta.net/images/stories/Pruebas/E-5-De-up/Oly_E5_GO_006AAA.jpg

UPDATE: more image smaples here: http://www.hsstudio.com/gallery.html?gallery=E5%20Dynamic (Thanks Edgaras)

Olympus America has a new E-5 page: http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/product.asp?product=1525

You can preorder the camera at Amazon: Olympus E-5 12.3MP Digital SLR with 3 inch LCD (Body Only)

And do you like those image samples?


(FT4) More small Panasonic GH2 details (24Mbit/s and 1 stop ISO improvement)


IMPORTANT: Days ago a DVXforum user spotted and photographed the Panasonic GH2 on the beach. He contacted me and asked me to remove the leaked images I posted on 43rumors. I had to fulfil his request. Anyway, that’s one more proof that this was the real GH2! For those of you that didn’t see the camera don’t worry. Imagine the [shoplink 14834]Panasonic G2[/shoplink] with flash card door on the same place of the [shoplink 14826]Panasonic GH1[/shoplink]…that’s it!

I already told you the GH2 uses a new 18 megapixels multi-aspect sensor (16 effective Megapixels).

Today 43rumors learned that the GH2 will record 1080/60i (UPDATE: this is the container! we will give you more details about the real output as soon as we can but it could be 60p!!! This because the AVCHD specification doesn’t include 1080/60p). The camera can also record at a higher bitrate 24Mbit/s AVCHD. I was a little bit worried because of the Megapixels number increase but according to our sources Panasonic managed to improve the High-ISO performance by 1 stop (if true that would be an awesome news!).

Price of the camera $1499 (The current [shoplink 14826] Panasonic GH1 is in Stock for $1149[/shoplink]).

If you have more news about the GH2 feel free to contact me using the right sidebar. It doesn’t store your IP-address and neither Name or Email are required. Every little help…helps! Thanks!

The rumor classification explained:
FT= FourThrids
FT1= 1-20% chance the rumor is correct
FT2= 21-40% chance the rumor is correct
FT3= 41-60% chance the rumor is correct
FT4= 61-80% chance the rumor is correct
FT5= 81-99% chance the rumor is correct


Samyang 35mm f/1.4 for FourThirds announced


Samyang just announced the new 35mm f/1.4 lens. It will be also available with FourThirds mount! Those lenses are manual focus only and very cheap. But the quality is surprisely good!

Read for example the Samyang 85mm f/1.4 Photozone review (Click here). That lens is available with FourThirds mount [shoplink 14887]on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]

More info here: http://www.samyang.pl/article,8,news?PHPSESSID=a80e9b76f05b4e80b46c870a74e10177


UPADTED: Panasonic GH1 hack doubles the AVCHD bitrate to 86Mbit?


Very important reminder: The Hack will NOT work if you have a brand new [shoplink 14826]Panasonic GH1[/shoplink] with a build date of June 2010 or later. Vitaliy can’t tweek his firmware tool if he can’t access the 1.34 firmware from the Panasonic site. More about that at DVXuser. (Thanks Sady for your information)

UPDATE: It looks like the info from EosHD is not correct. Follow the DVXuser post here: http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?t=22290


Olympus E-5 vs Olympus E-3 image comparison (DSLRmagazine)


UPDATE: The image from DSLRmagazine has been removed. Maybe because this were image samples taken with a preproduction camera.

DSLRmagazine posted the following image comparison between the new Olympus E-5 and the older [shoplink 15032]Olympus E-3[/shoplink].

UPDATE2: First small size High ISO samples (Thanks “olddo”):
– 3200 ISO: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5151873&fbid=445692388072&id=144882513072
– 6400 ISO: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5153998&fbid=445829473072&id=144882513072

Any comments?
