Why MicroFourThirds is so important (by Thom Hogan)


Since when Panasonic announced the G1 we were following all technical reviews, hand-on, image samples to convince ourself to join the m4/3 world. Finally Thom Hogan gave us a very “poetic” reason why MicroFourThirds is so important to take good pictures: http://www.bythom.com/.

And I do fully agree with what he says here: “To some, that slower, more considered world is a blessing: you get back to the roots of photography and you find that one decision impacts another and that putting dedicating your brain power to those domino-like decisions really does impact how good your image will be and have much fun you have capturing it.“.

Amen :)


(FT5) No new EVF for the GF1 but more prime lenses to come!


In March we thought Panasonic could release a new External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1External Live Viewfinder for the Panasonic GF1. Japanese dealers wrote us that they were experiencing a shortage and Panasonic didn’t deliver them any new EVF. Now Unwire.hk interviewed Mr. Inoue from Panasonic (click here to read the google english translation)

And that are the most interesting things he said:
1) There will be more prime lenses (43rumors will tell you more about it soon!)
2) We will upgrade the Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1Panasonic GH1 camera with many professional features
3) No new EVF for the GF1


POLL: Is the new Panasonic 8mm fisheye too expensive for you?


Many of our readers were disappointed with the high price of the new Panasonic 8mm f/3.5 ED Fisheye Lens ($799 on Amazon and 799 Euro in Europe).

For comparison only:
The Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5Olympus 8mm f/3.5 price is $639.95.
The Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5Sigma 8mm f/3.5 price is $899.00.
The Sony NEX system offers the fisheye adapter for $149.99 but we have to see how much quality you loose by using an adapter on the 16mm lens (whoch costs $249.99))

And let us (and Panasonic) know what you think!

Would you welcome Pentax joining the Micro Four Thirds world?

View Results

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Preorder the new Panasonic 8mm fisheye. Check out the first image samples!


You can no preorder the lens on Amazon: Panasonic 8mm f/3.5 ED Fisheye Lens for $799. The lens is not available for preorder in Europe (price will be 790 Euro).

You can also check out some image samples posted by Panasonic Japan (found via noisycamera). The images were taken with the new Panasonic G2 (which is also in Stock at amazon!).

New image samples are also available on DPreview.


Official: Panasonic 8mm fisheye and new FX75/FX70 with F2.2-5.9 lens


Finally Panasonic released a new MicroFourThirds lens. The 8mm Fisheye will be available from July 2010 and cost £729.99 (according to dpreview).

UPDATE: Click here to preorder the 8mm fisheye lens on Amazon! ($799)

FX75/70 press releases on:
Imaging Resource
The PhoBlographer
Quesabesde (spanish)

Panasonic 8mm fisheye press release on:
Imaging Resource
The PhoBlographer
Quesabesde (spanish)


Working on exciting Olympus rumors!


Dear readers!

The success of 43rumors is based on the quality and not only on the quantity of rumors. As I always told you when I receive a rumor I try to get multiple confirmations from different sources. It takes some time before I can publish a rumor. When I arrive at home I try to chat with everyone I know and my girlfriend sometimes gets frustrated when I am sitting on the couch with my laptop on the legs until very late at night. You really need to be nice with her because it’s her patience that makes it possible for me to work on 43rumors ;)

Today I will tell you what I am working on. Why? Because it is soooo exciting that I can’t stop myself from writing you!!!

In March-April I tried to understand why Olympus didn’t release the FourThirds camera we expected to be announced. I now know that Olympus has taken some drastic decisions.
And now since weeks we are receiving many many many exciting rumors! I am 99% sure that Olympus is working on a modular camera system. And this opens a whole new world of opportunities. I already received many rumors (or examples) on how such a system will work. But I still need to wait to get some more confirmation. But there will be changes, on every aspect of the camera, new lenses, new sensors, new AF.

So keep following 43rumors. You won’t be disappointed!

P.S.: Of course I am also working on new Panasonic rumors ;)
