UPDATE: You can now preorder the Panasonic LX5 on Amazon
The specs below are very similar to the specs from thePanasonic LX3
and a worthy competitor of the Samsung EX1
P.S.: The Panasonic G2
has also been leaked on the panasonic website in February :)
What we know for certain is that the LX5 will be announced on July 21!
Link: http://www2.panasonic.com/consumer-electronics/support/Cameras-Camcorders/Digital-Cameras/Lumix-Digital-Cameras/model.DMC-LX5K
Main differences between the LX5 and the older LX3:
– The LX5 has 3.8x zoom 24-90mm (the LX3 has 2.5x and ends with 60mm)
– LX5 wit 80 to 12800 ISO (the LX3 80 to 3200)
– It records in HD 60p (sensor output is 30p) AVCHDlite
– Veyr hot-> There will be also optional electronic and optical viewfinder!
P.S.: Click here to check out the older LX3 specs (on amazon)

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