Jeff sent me following mail and I found his proposal very interesting. That’s why I ask you your opinion!
“Hi , i had an idea , be it a crazy one. But since this is one of the more prominent sites for 4/3 photography , im sure olympus itself veiws the site.
Here is my idea , you should create a poll asking the olympus user base on what they think of olympus “re-inventing the 4/3 brand” through a sharp marketing campaign and camera redesign incorperating open source camera bodies.
If it gets a good positive response , it could spark research at olympus about adding open source bodies.
The problem is that companies think their profits will be destroyed by this since they cannot release annual body updates. they are partially correct , but the current robbery that happening to photographers is disgusting. If actual important things were applied to camera updates (actual hardware such as better sensors and screens) instead of art filters and stuff that can be added by the user with a computer. They could instantly gain a fanbase who would fall in love with the olympus brand and actually take a chunk out of nikonon since they will be the last to experiment with such technology.
Just imagine pulling out your ep2 , going through a menu and clicking the time lapse app you downloaded from a community website and placing it in your window. The software would put the camera on a timer and take a picture every 20 mins and then go back into sleep mode until the next shot, you get back from work and you have a time lapse of the day and you didnt have to do a thing.
that is the future of technology and i think olympus should capitalize on it and beat the other manufacturers to the punch.
make a poll and see if it peaks the interest of olympus”
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