a little bit of everything…


Canon 12X Video Zoom on test

Long time exposures with the E-P1 and the M.Zuiko 17mm (photoblossoms)
New weekly japanese DSLR sales ranking: http://bcnranking.jp/category/subcategory_0008.html. GF1 falls in the rankingm Nikon and Canon do rule the world.
A long interesting discussion in dpreview: “I am no longer a pro with a m4/3rds camera
SANYO Becomes A Panasonic Company (press release). Did you know that both Sanyo and Panasonic company founder were parents?


Back online


Dear readers,

we managed to be back online. We didn’t find the problem but we deactivated some of the 43rumors wordpress plugins. It seems that something stressed the RAM resources of our server.

Anyway it should work now without crashes….we hope!


43rumors server problem


Dear readers,

since 5 days we have some problems with our server. That’s why this websites is sometimes offline. The problem should be fixed very soon.

Thanks for your patience!


43rumors calls for forum Beta testing!


Dear readers!

The Beta version of the new 43rumors forum is now online!

Things you have to know before you start:
– If you subscribed to 43rumors you should be able to use the same account! Do not make a new one for the forum!
– This is a Beta Version. Report errors or suggestions to 43rumors@gmail.com
– With the same account you will be able to use the forum and the future new 43rumors section (like the photocontest section).

The only rule we have: Be friendly!

