Good morning!
Today I have lot of work to do in Rome. I will take some pictures with my E-P1 and if I find some time I will post some photos o 43rumors. In the meanwhile read our rumors summary. All the rumors are coming from trusted sources only!
Panasonic next lenses are expected to be unveiled early 2010. And Panasonic will release more lenses than the three they have announced for the year 2010. Panasonic could announce a new MicroFourThirds camera in february. New sensor generation will be implemented in future cameras.
Olympus 9-18mm and 14-150mm sale start planned for the first half 2010. Olympus will produce two types of camera models – one for easy users and the other for serious users. Next year will prove to be just as exciting for Olympus and followers as this year has been – plenty to be cheery about. New generation of hardware coming starting with processor, colour array technology, sensor etc.
Fuji will probably unveil their MicroFourThirds camera by early 2010. Will they use the new organic sensor? Not yet we believe.
The Samsung NX mirrorless camera is going to be announced on December 10.
Sony GH1 competitor will only be unveiled in September 2010 (Photokina)
Samyang will not produce FourThirds lenses.
With the exception of the Samsung NX announcement I do not expect new cameras or lenses to be unveiled before february. The good news is that I always have rumors coming in!
Have a nice day!
– OlympusE520 with 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 and 40-150mm f/4.0-5.6 ED Zuiko Lenses for $506 at
– The Panasonic 7-14mm f/4.0 Micro Four Thirds Lens is in Stock (sold by amazon for $1.099)
– The Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 is in Stock at amazon for $399,95 Ships from and sold by for $399,95
– The E-P2 is available for preorder at Amazon UK / Amazon US / Adorama / BHphoto / Amazon DE