(UPDATED) rebuilding the website from scratch


We discovered many little issues in our database. That’s why we are going to reinstall everything and add piece for piece our old content. We slept 3 hours only tonight :(

In some way we are all happy we have to do it. It will be a nice feeling to have a working fast website with fixed database and layout problems. Don’t get scared if you see strange things on this website!

Thanks again for your patience.

UPDATE: You know. This hosting transfer things never work as they should! ;) We have some problems with URL rewritingmodule (internal links to 43rumors do not work). We have to sleep 3-4 hours because frankly we are beginning to fall asleep in front of our computers. We will reinstall database and website at 16GMT (London time). We hope to fix the problem until Saturday morning (London time).


Online again!


We are slowly rebuilding the website. it will take some hours because we also have to sleep a little. The good news is that the new hosting is veeeeerrry fast and you will enjoy a better performance!

UPDATE: Links are not working, thumbanial are not working, we still miss some images, and some layout elements. We are working on it…

Many thanks

a very tired Alejandro from 43rumors!


(UPDATED) a little bit of everything…


Important! Panasonic just deleted the Paasonic LX3 firmware update. You can’t fin it on their website anymore. They are working on firmaware 2.1 which is going to be rleased on October 20.

More info here: http://panasonic.net/avc/lumix/pressrelease/index.html


Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ35 review at CNET Asia


Adorama, Amazon US and  BHphoto are shipping the Panasonic GF1+14-45mm combo!

UPDATE: Olympus Europe just launched a new promotion on some products: http://www.olympus-europa.com/consumer/208_20065.htm


Message for David…please send me your email adress! I can’t answer you!


43rumors team message. We are experiencing some database issues. That’s why page loading time is that long. We are trying to fix it as soon as possible.

