(FT3) Big Olympus E-3 price drop in Germany. Is that a sign?



click on the graph to enlarge it!

I checked the prices in US, UK and Germany and I noticed a price drop in Germany (-100 Euro!).

Two big german online stores are selling the E-3 body for 800 Euros only. Normally such big price drops happens when the camera is going to be replaced.

A german 43rumors reader sent me following graph:


Have you noticed something?


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(FT3-FT4) Olympus E-P2 rumors summary


This is a fake E-P2 image (source: dpreview)

Photorumors discovered that Olympus is planning an announcement on October 31th. We made a small rumor summary about the future E-P2 (will it be called E-P2?):

Chasseur d’image knows that the E-P2 should be released before the end of the year and it will have an electronic viewfinder. A japanese website claims to know that the EVF will be external (like the one from Panasonic) and the E-P2 should come all in black. Akira Watanabe CEO from Olympus said the next MFT camera will have an electronic viewfinder and faster AF and  not get any bigger in size than E-P1. And it will have built-in flash.

If all this rumors are true the E-P2 should probably have following features:

– 12 Megapixel sensor (same as the E-P1)

– Body similar in size and weight to the E-P1 (No grip?)

– Built in flash

– External Viewfinder
– faster AF

– Black only

This camera should become a strong Panasonic GF1 concurrent (if the E-P2 price will not be to high).

Interesting times indeed!

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Panasonic updates firmware for 45-200mm lens



Press release:

“Panasonic is pleased to announce that a new firmware is released for the Lumix G interchangeable lens LUMIX G VARIO 45-200mm / F4.0-5.6 / MEGA O.I.S. (H-FS045200).  The firmware includes improvement of auto focus performance in AFC mode for taking photos. It also enhances performance of auto focusing and stability of O.I.S.(Optical Image Stabilizer) while reducing noise of aperture control for taking movies(Except for FHD mode of AVCHD in DMC-GH1).”

Download the firmware:

