Panasonic Lumix GF1 SLR-Edition ;)



Click on picture to enlarge

I received following picture and infos from “Reality Scanner”. He writes:

“have a look a my little experiment:
Lumix GF1 with Leica Visoflex and Elmar 3.5/65 mm Macro

P.S.: I attached the Visoflex with the Lumix micro-FourThirds-Leica-M-Adapter.
Regretably the release-lever of the Visoflex does not meet the GF1 release button. for taking photos you have to arrest the mirror flipped up.”


Amazon US Panasonic GF1 preorder links and info


Here the links to amazon with availability info (I got the availability data from Panasonic, not from amazon):

Panasonic GF1 with 14-45mm Lens ($899,95) Available early October

Panasonic GF1 with 20mm f/1.7 lens ($899,95) Available in October

Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 lens – Availability early October

Panasonic 45mm f/2.8 lens – Available in November

UPDATE: I made a mistake. The GF1+14-45 lens will be available early October!


looking for 43rumors writer or news reporter



We have 67 43rumors subscribers. If some of you wants to help us please contact We are looking for people who can find rumors and news inside worldwide photography forums. Our best sources (FT4 and FT5) are korean and chinese forums. it would be nice if some native language speaker of both countries could help us by posting news or sending us the links to interesting posts!

Many thanks ;)


Open Source photographic revolution?


I really like the open source philosophy but I never thought it could be applied to a photographic camera. After reading the article I can’t wait to see the first production open source camera which should be on market by the end of the next year.

And if you think it’s a joke take a look on the companies that supports the project: Nokia, Adobe Systems, Kodak, and Hewlett-Packard!!!

The “Frankencmera” should cost 1.000$ only. But we stil doesn’t know what kind of specifications the camera will have.


Ken Rockwell share his thoughts about the Olympus E-P1


Read his article and then come back to 43rumors and tell us what you think about his review!

Very interesting, now I know how to remove the annoying autofocus beep!


There is an annoying in focus beeper. You have to spend quite a while turning on the secret menu system to turn it off.

Once you’ve activated the secret menu system, press:

MENU > GEARS > GEARS D (disp / o)) / PC) > o)) > OFF > OK

to turn it off.”
