(Updated) – (FT 4) chinese rumors?



rumor 1: “It seems the Olympus m4/3 is bigger than the Canon G10

rumor2:  “I’m not sure first that there is no built-in flash, but they are testing with external flash ..

UDPATE2: A chinese reader (Alsene) sent us a summary from the thread:

1. This lucky guy was a vendor of Olympus.
2. He saw Olympus engineers were testing the M43 camera and compared to normal DC.
3. The M43 was attached with variable focal lens (14_?), not pancake one and external flash. It is not aware if built in flash existed.
4. It is like a big DC compared to G10.
5. Another discussion told who wants to buy GH1 should wait a moment. Olympus M43 was an excellent one

It seems some fortunate chinese guy had the chance to play with the Olympus MicroFourThirds camera. We tried to use google translation but it doesn’t work very well. Can some chinese reader translate the most important part of the following discussion?

http://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=249&t=1054016&p=5#11990825 (chinese mobile01 forum)

http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=n&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobile01.com%2Ftopicdetail.php%3Ff%3D249%26t%3D1054016%26p%3D5%2347&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&history_state0= (english google translation)


May 21th: “house”


click on picture to enlarge.
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Title house
Author Martin
Camera Olympus OM-4

Join the “One Day One Photo” action by sending your photos to 43rumors@gmail.com


(UPDATED)a little bit of everything…


Today we begin our ” a little bit of everything…” post announcing the new Cosina NOKTON 50mm F1.1. Should interest all the people who owns or wants to own a Panasonic/Olympus MicroFourThirds camera. Price 130.000 YEN which is more or less 995 Euro or 1.355 Dollar! That’s incredible cheap compared to the Konica 50/1.2 or Leica 50/1.0 lenses! That lens appeals me, because of the price and because of the size (it is far more tiny than the Nokton 35/1.2). I hope the quality will be decent.

UPDATE: One image taken with the lens is avaiable at flickr! And a report made by a photographer! It seems to be a very good and very sharp lens!


Olympus SP-590UZ review by dc.watch.impress.co.jp
in japanese
in google crazy english translation


Neutralday made a comparison between the Olympus E-620, Nikon D90 and Canon 5dmarkII


A little Sigma Dp2 review is avaiable at dc.wathc.impress.co.jp


That’s all! Have a nice day!
