advertising cut


As you have noticed the last two week we changed the advertising banners many times. We tried to understand wich banner would work better and serve you with the best and more accurate content. Last night our webmaster tried to apply a “single meet single” banner. We quickly told him to remove the banner as the content has nothing to do with our website. Believe us, we had more click on this banner as on the “normal” banner ;)
Normally google permits a use of 6 banners per page. We now cutted the banners number to three. We believe that is a good compromise. If you find the content made by advertiser interesting we get paid for every click. That makes our website costs sustainable.

We hope our homepage does look honest enough for you. And apologize us for every inconvenient.

P.s.: Please report every future problem with our website.


Economic crisis poll


This are hard times. Economic crisis scares people. Nobody knows how it is going to end. I work for a private company and we feel it is harder to get money form clients. But we also feel economic crisis could bring some positive side-effect. Sometimes crisis accelerate innovation. For example Linxudistributions are getting more popular in this times. People who normally acts really conservative is forced to change and try new ways to keep their business. I hope we can get out as best as possible from this times.

We are courious to know if you are going to change you planned investments in digital cameras stuff (bodys, lenses and accessories).

Do you accept the new rumor value system?

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(FT 5) first Olympus micro four thirds camera on June 16th


Olympus micro four thirds

The first Olympus micro four thirds camera will be presented the 16th of June and available the last week of July. The camera presented by Olympus will look slightly different then the one shown in various events. The digital camera will definitely not have EVF. Probably we will see a 3.0 inch LCD. Price should be around 900$-950$ WITH KIT LENS!

We got our infos from german forum. The German forum says the date is June 15th but in Japan it should be the June 16th.

We know it is April 1th the fools day, but this is NOT a Joke! :)

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Olympus E-450



So here we are. One day before expected (from our sources) Olympus announced the E-450. We told you they would announce the camera in April (our sources told us the first April). Olympus choose to anticipate the annoucment because the first april is fools days in some countries. Not the best choice for an announcement…nobody would believe them! ;)

We were completely right on the main features, no video, no body IS, art filter, same resolution as the “old” E-420. In general we told you that this camera will be very similar to the Olympus E-420. You just have to add ART-filter ;)

If you want to read more about the camera:

Olympus Asia

Olympus America

Imaging resourcing

That’s a real good start for us! Only few believed us.

We were right no?

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