a bit of everything…


Best Slow-Motion settings for GH5

First Panasonic S1-S1R tests with the firmware 1.0 (L-rumors).
Tamron financial report shows small good surprise: Lens sales increased (MirrorlessRumors).
Why are camera sales falling? Could it be that they are boring? (Soundimagesplus).
K Company, Inc. launched a camera body case for the GX7III and LX100II (Dc.watch).
5 of the best Photos Hotspots.

Share your best pictures on our new Instagram MicroFourThirdsGallery.

Plenty of news on the facebook E-M1II group, Panasonic FF and the GH5 group.


Newsshooter tested the new Sharp 8K MFT camera: “capable of producing nice, sharp images”


Newsshooter is the first website having tested the new Sharp 8K Micro Four Thirds camera. This is an early prototype and this is their first impressions:

The camera is certainly capable of producing nice, sharp images. Given the fact that the camera can currently only operate in an auto WB mode, I was surprised by how well it performed when it comes to color accuracy. We were shooting out on the Las Vegas strip where there are many different types of light sources, yet the camera did a very good job of maintaining a nicely balanced image.

For a camera that is only currently shooting in a REC.709 color space it wasn’t crushing the blacks and we didn’t see clipped highlights turning into ugly colors.

We did see some banding in the sky on a few shots where we shooting into the sun. The cameras 4:2:0 8-bit codec does struggle occasionally in certain situations.

Here is a link for you to download some original files from the camera

Sample video:

No info yet about pricing and shipping date. And as far as I understood from this early review it certainly doesn’t sound like this camera is going to be on market any time soon…


Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup…


Tom Ormerod Photography
North Devon Atlantic Coast
olympusuk OM-D E-M1 MK II
Venuslaowa 7.5mm f2 – ISO 200 – F11 – 1.6 sec

1) To submit your picture for the weekly readers roundup post you can choose one of the following two options:
Instagram: Follow @microfourthirdsgallery and tag us on your picture to give us the permission to repost your image on the instagram gallery and on 43rumors (we will credit you)
Facebook: Submit your picture on our group: facebook.com/groups/microft. Please add the hashtag “#microfourthirdsgallery ” to grant the permission for reposting on 43rumors. Without the hashtag we will not add your picture!

2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: instagram.com/microfourthirdsgallery and facebook.com/groups/microft
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me 43rumors admin will be posted weekly on 43rumors.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself! And please do share one single picture per week only. Do not spam :)

This is the weekly selection:

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