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Important! Should we change our domain name?

Why the question? People don't know what 43rumors means. Adsense displays a lot of crazy advertising and google search don't know what to do with "43rumors". Olympusrumors is far more…

Someone can explain us that?

This picture comes from the Tokyo show. What is under the blue cloth? UPDATE! (FT 2) A source told that Olympus answer was "We will open near the summer,…

micro four thirds scenario

Everybody is waiting for news from the micro four thirds world. This technology's main purpose  is to produce small high quality cameras with small high quality lenses. The Pansonic GH1…

about us

About 43rumors (short version) 43rumors collects all news, rumors, reviews and deals about Panasonic and Olympus digital cameras. The goal is to allow an easy access for all user to…

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