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The unhackable Panasonic GH1 is now hackable! (And plenty of GH2 in Stock in US)

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As you know the [shoplink 14826]Panasonic GH1[/shoplink] with the newest firmware isn’t yet hackable. That could change very soon! Vitaly (the hacker) updated the Lenin project status: “We got GH1 v1.34 firmware dump. I’ll start to work on reversing tomorrow, must not take long.” Source: Vitaly told me that he will bring a new updated PTool version that will allow you to downgrade the GH1 firmware to version 1.32.

And not only Vitaly can make miracles in these days. Also Panasonic made one! They finally shipped plenty of GH2 stocks to US. The black body only is in Stock at Amazon US via Samy’s camera (Click here). And all kit options are almost in Stock at J&R (Click here). They will ship the cameras on 05/31/2011!

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