One of my best sources confirmed that Panasonic delayed the GH2 Europe introduction because of “late tech adjustments“. That’s why the GH2 will be in Stock 2-3 weeks later than expected (original release was planned by mid November, now early December). Those adjustments have to do with the European models only! I didn’t receive any further detail and I am still wondering what those adjustments could be…
I contacted Pixmania and Amazon and received an official answer from Pixmania. They confirmed that they will have the GH2 in Stock by early-mid December.
For our US readers:
Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto are expected to ship the first GH2 cameras next week. I contacted Amazon to ask why they removed the SIlver GH2 preorders but I got no answers.
GH2 preorders:
Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon UK