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Panasonic US managers responds: Lumix G9 II early sales are very strong!

After my video were I reported about the low preorder numbers of the G9II Panasonic did share this answer to Digitalcameraworld:

“Thus far, Lumix G9 II early sales are very strong,” said Dan Unger, corporate communications manager at Panasonic USA. 

I repeat once more that my statement was based on:

  1. My historic preorder numbers of MFT cameras. Were the G9II scores the lowest ever result (with only a small fraction of the preorder numbers I had on the OM-1 or GH5 for example)
  2. Feedback from larger stores in US, DE, UK that told me preorders were extremely low according to their metrics (comparison with past MFT camera preorders and APS-C competition).

I do hope Panasonic is telling the truth (unlike some Olympus company statements in the past), and I hope to be totally wrong!
But if by some chance I am right in my partial assessment…Panasonic will waste the opportunity to learn from this and correct their path: Lower prices, more innovation, working on creating trust, etc…

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