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Readers work roundup…

Outback Suburbia | BMPCC and Cosmicar 22.5-90 Lens from GanEdenVideo on Vimeo.

Anonymous:a recent story if you’re interested – shot with the GH3.

Tom: “Hi there, long term follower of your site and notice you post a few random things from readers so thought I would send on a recent post I created following an airshow at Duxford in the UK. I know people question m43’s ability in these type of situations and I relish the challenge. :)

Vadim: “I used my m4/3 gear (a GF1 and EPL2 with 20mm and 14-42) to shoot the motion and stills for an IndieGoGo campaign for a device for the eldelry and disabled that I have invented. The audio was captured with a Oly SEMA1 mic adapted running into the EPL2. My device is a fork for the elderly and disabled. If you could share this as part of your “reader’s work” posts, it would be a huge help towards making my product a reality and helping millions of elderly around the world Thank you:

Johannes:I’m a 19 year-old soon-to-be film student from Germany, and I’d like to share a music video with you, which I recorded using the Panasonic DMC G5. It would be an honor for me to see it being shared on the 43rumors website or facebook page. This is the link:

Marco:Maybe for a future “a little bit of everithing”: I have written a small review of my lovely OM-D EM-5 for a well known photography site. It’s in Italian but maybe someone can be interested anyway


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