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New GX80 reviews Mirrorlessons writes: To be honest, I had a hard time finding real flaws with this camera, and there certainly wasn’t anything that would prompt me to not recommend it.…

a bit of everything…

Olympus PEN-F Product Overview A day with a Panasonic LUMIX -GX85 (LumixLounge). Panasonic TZ100 video test by (Soundimagesplus). Panasonic GX8 User Fred Gunnerson Discusses the Advantages of the Panasonic GX85…

Some more GX80 curiosities…

Panasonic is following a new strategy with the GX80 camera. The camera has different names in different world region and only selected stores do get certain "color" and kit version…

Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup.

Miguel Ortiz‎ Carla. 1) You can share your pics by using the message box on our 43rumors Facebook page (Click here). 2) All 43rumors readers pictures can be seen…

New Stock of refurbished Olympus MFT stuff

[shoplink 22691 ebay][/shoplink] Olympus Europe added a long list fo refurbished cameras and lenses o their [shoplink 22691 ebay]Olympusmarket eBay Store[/shoplink]. I am not going ot link to all single…

New Olympus and Panasonic UK cashbacks

There is a bunch of new Olympus-Panasonic deals in UK: Up to £100 Cashback with Selected Panasonic Cameras and Camcorders at Amazon UK (Click here), Jessops (Click here) and WexUK…

a bit of everything…

Beer and a Shot - Photography Competition December 2015 Panasonic GX8 review on Admiring Light. A member on the mu-43 forums made a size comparison between the Pen F-D and…

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