Now it’s getting serious guys! The very reliable Japanese website Nikkei (Click here) reports that Sony plans to buy a 20-30% stake of Olympus. Techradar says that “The capital and business alliance would be mainly aimed at bringing together Sony’s strength in imaging sensor technology with Olympus’ expertise in endoscopes and other medical equipment.” Only one week ago Olympus Japan announced new digital microscopes with Sony’s HDR sensor.
Right now I cannot guess how this will influence the camera business. Don’t think that Sony will “force” Olympus to join the NEX system or to use Sony sensors on m43 camera. After All Sony already supplies many competitors with their sensors (Canon for compact cameras, Nikon and Pentax with APS-C sensors and so on). I have the exact opposite question, will Panasonic work together with a partner that is now in business with a direct competitor?