That’s cool! 3d-printed prototypes of adapter ring for Lee 100mm system for MZD 714.
43rumors reader Zheng sent me this message:
I have made two 3d-printed prototypes of adapter ring for Lee 100mm system for MZD 714. As it’s working well, I put one of them on eBay. It’s the first and only one available in the world for welcomed and popular Lee 100mm system.
For some further information, after having sold it, I am planning sell the final printing on Shapeways, but not like the one on ebay, it needs the buyer some DIY skills because the adapter contains not only 3D printed part.
I am also working on a customized filter slot for 7-14mm lens, to have 3 filters on Lee system without dark edge. Perhaps when it’s ready, they will be available on Shapeways as a pack altogether with the adapter. Here’s the link to the adapter on ebay
[shoplink 54719 ebay][/shoplink]
and I have opened a discussion topic on dpreview since 3 weeks.
Here some more pictures