The big question of the day is, “Is Olympus using an own designed sensor?”. The official pree release didn’t mention anything about that but we know got a confirmation from Asian websites.
TvSmith interviewed “Mr Yasuo Asakura, the General Manager of SLR R & D, (he said) the E-P3 features a new Panasonic MOS sensor fabricated exclusively for Olympus”
And Clubsnap posted the full Olympus press release power point presentation. It contains the info about the new sensor, new shutter and a lot more interesting news!
UPDATE: Clubsnap now removed the presentation!
Links to preorders
Olympus E-P3 preorders at Adorama (Click here). Price $899 with kit lens!
E-P3 presentation page on Amazon (Click here). No preorders yet.
Olympus 12mm f/2.0 lens preorder at Adorama (Click here). Price $799.
Olympus 45mm f/1.8 preorder at Adorama (Click here). Price $399.