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The need for speed: Voigtländer 50mm f/1.1

Now that I am testing the Noktor 50mm f/0.95 lens I wish to own the Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($sel != '1') {?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } ?> to make a comparison. The Voigtländer is only half a stop slower but covers the whole fullframe sensor (It is an M-mount lens -> you can use it on the Leica M9!). But unlike the Noktor you need a M-mount to MicroFourThirds adapter and the lens itself costs $400 more than the Noktor ($1.149 ar BHphoto). So I googled around an this is what I found:

Steve Huff wrote a complete Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 Lens review
– E-PL1 + Voigtländer 50mm f/1.1 test on
– Image samples on flickr
– Olympus E-P1 + Noktor on
– Olympus E-P2 + Noktor on flickr

Check out the price on Ebay: Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'ES') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'IT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'AT') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'BE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'AU') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'FR' OR $loc == 'FX') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'NL') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($loc == 'CA') { $sel = "1"; ?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } if ($sel != '1') {?>Voigtlander 50 Nokton f/1.1 } ?>

Do you have any experience with the Voigtländer lens? Let us know what you think!

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