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Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup…

Andreas-Joachim Lins‎
Autumn Stories
Olympus M1 // Leica DG Nocticron 42,5mm // F1.4 // ISO 200 // 1/320s

1) You can share your pics by using posting on our 43rumors Facebook page (Click here).
2) All 43rumors readers pictures can be seen here: Like the pictures you like and chat with the authors if you want to know how they took the shot!
3) The most liked pictures and some pics selected by myself will be posted weekly on 43rumors

This is the weekly selection:


‎Andrey Zuev‎

Manuel Hauser‎
Illasbergsee (Bavaria/Allgäu)
Olympus Pen-F, Leica DG Summilux 12mm 1.4

Nicholas Stevens‎
Blue Jay
Playing around with the new olympus 300mm F4 (on EM5) in Central Park

Martin Gallego
La Rambla, Barcelona, Oct. 2016
Olympus pen F + MZuiko 40-150 de kit.

‎Szymon Fiutak‎
OMD EM5 II / 25mm 1.8

Joaquín Culiáñez Gómez‎
Here I share with you a picture I took few days ago.
Hope you like it.
EXIF:OMD EM1+Voigtlander 10,5mm f0.95 @ f4,ISO 200, 30 seconds exposure; Haida ND1000 filter, Kroos ndinverse filter 0.9 (for the sky).
Best regards.

Norman Doggett‎
3-D illusion in the marble tile pattern of a ballroom in Doges’ Palace, Venice.
E-M1, 7-14 PRO at 13mm, 1/60s, f/2.8, ISO 1600.

Zeeshan Anwar Ali‎
The Yellow Stairs
EM1 + 40-150mm F4-5.6

Александр Бурмистров‎
E-M5 II + olympus 9-18, nd500

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