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Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup…

Martin Gallego
When I get my hand, the world becomes small
Quan em dones la mà el món esdevé petit.
De la sèrie “El Factor Humà”.
Olympus Pen F + MZuiko 12-40 Pro

1) To submit your picture for the weekly readers roundup post you can choose one of the following two options:
Instagram: Follow @microfourthirdsgallery and tag us on your picture to give us the permission to repost your image on the instagram gallery and on 43rumors (we will credit you)
Facebook: Submit your picture on our group: Please add the hashtag “#microfourthirdsgallery ” to grant the permission for reposting on 43rumors. Without the hashtag we will not add your picture!

2) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: and
3) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me 43rumors admin will be posted weekly on 43rumors.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself! And please do share one single picture per week only. Do not spam :)

This is the weekly selection:

Marco Colombo‎
EM1 + 75mm f1.8


Dan Pocock‎
Cloud Inversion on the Tarmachan Ridge, Scotland
E-M5 II & Lumix G 35-100mm


Kenneth Barker‎
Into the great wide yonder
Loch Ard.
Olympus E-P1


High Res Tours
A small section of the Milkyway over the lighthouse at Nine Pin Rock on Auckland’s West Coast. With other photographers and fishermen near the rock itself.
Frame taken from a Timelapse shot on the GH5S
Summilux 12mm 1.4 @ 1.6
15 seconds
ISO 12’800


by stamergram
Olympus Em1II and the 300mm f/4


by tomormerod
Olympusuk OM-D E-M1 MK II
@venuslaowa 7.5mm f2
ISO 200
1 sec
F11 M1 CPL, 3 Stop Soft Grad and 3 Stop ND


by itsjoelle_89
Panasonic G9 @lumixusa @lumix
Lens: Venus Laowa 7.5mm/F2.0 @venuslaowa
Aperture: F11
SS: 30sec
ISO: 100


by tilo_in_space.people
Rendezvous 10
Camera: Panasonic Lumix G9
Lens: Sigma 1.4/30mm

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