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Weekly 43rumors readers pictures roundup.

‎Rod Thompson‎
Taken on my first trip to Tokyo.
EM5 mk1 17mm at f1.8

1) You can share your pics by using the message box on our 43rumors Facebook page (Click here).
2) All 43rumors readers pictures can be seen here: Like the pictures you like and chat with the authors if you want to know how they took the shot!
3) The most liked pictures and some pics selected by myself will be posted weekly on 43rumors

This is the weekly selection:

Eberhard Schwarzland‎
Moeraki Boulders, NZ.
Things Shaped in Passing.
Olympus EM1 / Panasonic 14mm


‎Karsten Gieselmann‎
Cold beauty
Olympus E-M5Mark II
OLYMPUS M.12-40mm F2.8
ƒ/2.8, 40mm, 1/800, ISO 200

Alterr Magick‎
Panasonic Lumix GX7 // Olympus 14-150

Frank Deckmann‎
Im Gras.
Olympus OM-D E-M5ii with Minolta 100mm Macro Rokkor.

Martin Gallego
Saxifraga granulata, posiblemente.
Olympus E-M1 + Sigma 150 macro

‎Ilya Varivchenko‎
OM-D EM5-II, M.Zuiko 75/1.8

Robert Felice‎
Big Wave action in Pacific Grove, CA, about a week ago.
OM-D EM-1 + 40-150 PRO F/2.8 @ 52mm, 1/1000″, ISO 200, F/8

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