As you have read Panasonic is considering to make some serious changes in the future of the G camera series. Now I would like to you to come up with your suggestions for the future Panasonic camera and lens strategy. I just make some example of what could be done:
– GX series should have an integrated viewfinder…
– Launch a larger FF sensor system with new FF lenses that are compatible on MFT cameras too
– Get rid (or simplify) the G, GF, GH, GX definitions.
– Make entry level GH and high level GH cameras.
– Create fully and fast-af electronic adapters for Nikon and Canon lenses to allow Canon-Nikon pros to easily switch over to G cameras.
– Offer cameras with hybrid OVF and EVF viewfinders.
– Tighten the partnership with Leica and create a real Leica-Panasonic camera with a few real Leica lenses
– Follow Fuji’s route and create a “old style” designed camera.
– Create a pro service and network of pro photographers to advertise it.
– Focus effort on a partnership with Sigma to further develop the Foveon sensor
These are just examples. But please let me know your key strategy points and I will put the on vote in a poll I am going to post in a few days. Thanks!