“The US$399 DSLR” from Thom Hogan (Click here): “Olympus made no in-roads to beating the Canon/Nikon duopoly with their 4/3 DSLRs and about three years ago put their eggs instead into the m4/3 basket. Every now and again we see older m4/3 cameras on clearance hitting the US$399 kit price, but interestingly, even at that price those cameras don’t climb to the top of the interchangeable camera sales list. What sits up there? The low-end Nikon and Canon models most of the time. Even in mirrorless-happy Japan that’s the case.”
Thom analyzes the price war between DSLR and Mirrorless and explains why the DSLR price didn’t drop at all. The only ongoing change is that you have more margins on Mirrorless cameras than you have on DSLR’s: “So prepare for more mirrorless cameras. As I’ve noted previously, it’s been a mirrorless summer already (Olympus with three, Panasonic with two, Sony with three, Samsung with one new model announced and/or shipping). But don’t prepare for the US$399 interchangeable lens camera. The camera makers haven’t been pressured to get there yet. The price of entry is pretty much US$599, same as it ever was.”
I am sure the future is “Mirrorless” but it will probably be a slow change at least in “western” countries. There is no single m43 camera that are inside the top 40 of the Amazon rankings :(
Click here for the US ranking.
Click here for the UK ranking.
Click here for the DE ranking.
Click here for the FR ranking.